Life at Thomas Jefferson University

Campus Shot

With a strong focus on innovation, real-world experience and transdisciplinary learning, Jefferson is a leader in professional education. Join the proud 94% of our students who have jobs or start graduate programs in their field upon graduation.

We are located in Philadelphia on a beautiful, safe and spacious campus on the edge of the Fairmount Park System, the largest urban park in the world.

Close to campus, you can find many entertainment venues, shopping districts, restaurants and historic landmarks both in the nearby neighborhoods of Manayunk and Roxborough, and in downtown Center City – only 15 minutes away.

Philadelphia University Location

The more than 50 buildings on the University’s 100-acre campus range from historic Victorian mansions to contemporary classrooms and student centers, a library, a state-of-the-art athletic center and residential facilities.

And with our wireless campus, you can study and connect anywhere in a highly sophisticated technology environment.

In addition to what our location offers, New York City and Washington D.C. are only two hours away, which opens your industry experiences, internship opportunities and job prospects across three major cities.