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Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy

Philadelphia Univeristy provides information technology for educational, research, and administrative applications for its students, faculty, and staff.

This Eligibility and Acceptable Use Policy stems from the University's Statutes and Bylaws and from its more general policies and procedures governing faculty, students, staff, and facilities. With only a few exceptions, the present policy simply applies these larger policies and procedures to the narrower information-technology context. It balances the individual's ability to benefit fully from information technology and the University's need for a secure and reasonably allocated information-technology environment.

Use of the Philadelphia University Network or services of that network constitutes the knowledge of, and acceptance of this and all OIT policies. In general, University faculty, students, and staff may use University information technology (which includes privately-owned computers connected to the University network) in connection with the University's core teaching, research, and service missions.Certain non-core uses that do not consume resources or interfere with other users also are acceptable.

Under no circumstances may faculty, students, staff, or others use University information technology in ways that are illegal, that threaten the University's tax-exempt or other status, or that interfere with reasonable use by other members of the University community. Violations of information-technology rules and policies typically result in University disciplinary action, which may have serious consequences.

The information-technology Eligibility and Acceptable Use Policy begins with a few principles, defines several categories into which users and applications of information technology fall, and specifies which users may use University information technology for which applications. University information technology is for University faculty, students, and staff to use for core University purposes. Any use counter to this, or which interferes with core use by others, is unacceptable. Some applications of University information technology are unacceptable even if they serve core purposes.

It is the policy of Philadelphia University to maintain access for its community to local, national and international sources of information and to provide an atmosphere that encourages access to knowledge and sharing of information. It is the policy of the University that information resources will be used by members of its community in accordance with policy and regulations established by the University and its operating units.

This policy applies to: Any computer, networking device, telephone, copier, printer, fax machine, or other information technology which is owned by the University or is licensed or leased by the University is subject to University policies. In addition, any information technology which connects directly to the University data or telephone networks, uses University network-dialup facilities (the campus modem pool), connects directly to a computer or other device owned or operated by the University, and/or otherwise uses or affects University information-technology facilities is subject to University information-technology policies, no matter who owns it In accordance with the above policies, the University works to create an intellectual environment in which students, staff, and faculty may feel free to create and to collaborate with colleagues both at Philadelphia University and at other institutions, without fear that the products of their intellectual efforts will be violated by misrepresentation, tampering, destruction and/or theft.

Access to the information resource infrastructure both within the University and beyond the campus, sharing of information, and security of the intellectual products of the community, all require that each and every user accept responsibility to protect the rights of the community. Any member of the University community who, without authorization, accesses, uses, destroys, alters, dismantles or disfigures the University information technologies, properties or facilities, including those owned by third parties, thereby threatens the atmosphere of increased access and sharing of information, threatens the security within which members of the community may create intellectual products and maintain records, and in light of the University's policy in this area, has engaged in unethical and unacceptable conduct.

Access to the networks and to the information technology environment at Philadelphia University is a privilege and must be treated as such by all users of these systems. To ensure the existence of this information resource environment, members of the University community will take actions, in concert with legally constituted authorities, to identify and to set up technical and procedural mechanisms to make the information technology environment at Philadelphia University and its internal and external networks resistant to disruption. In the final analysis, the health and well-being of this resource is the responsibility of its users who must all guard against abuses which disrupt and/or threaten the long-term viability of the systems at Philadelphia University and those beyond the University.

The University requires that members of its community act in accordance with these responsibilities, this policy, relevant laws and contractual obligations, and the highest standard of ethics. Regulations Though not exhaustive, the following material defines Philadelphia University's position regarding several general issues in this area.

The University characterizes as unethical and unacceptable, and just cause for taking disciplinary action up to and including non-reappointment, discharge, dismissal, and/or legal action, any activity through which an individual: Violates such matters as University or third party copyright or patent protection and authorizations, as well as license agreements and other contracts, Disrupts access to information resources for authorized users Interferes with the intended use of information resources, Seeks to gain or gains unauthorized access to information resources, Without authorization, destroys, alters, dismantles, disfigures, prevents rightful access to or otherwise interferes with the integrity of computer-based information and/or information resources, Without authorization, invades the privacy of individuals or entities that are creators, authors, users, or subjects of the information resources. This policy is applicable to any member of the University community, whether at the University or elsewhere, and refers to all information resources whether individually controlled or shared, stand alone or networked. Individual units within the University may define "conditions of use" for facilities under their control.

These statements must be consistent with this overall policy but may provide additional detail, guidelines and/or restrictions. Where such "conditions of use" exist, enforcement mechanisms defined therein shall apply. Where no enforcement mechanism exists, the enforcement mechanism defined in the Conditions of Use Policy shall prevail. Disciplinary action, if any, for faculty and staff shall be consistent with the University Standard Practice Guides and the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees of the University. Where use of external networks is involved, policies governing such use also are applicable and must be adhered to. The Office of Information Technology reserves the right to modify this policy at any time in the future as is necessary to safeguard the Network and other users.



For further assistance, please contact the Technology Help Desk at 215-951-4648 or by Email at HelpDesk@PhilaU.edu
